Finding the right person to help you with whatever is concerning you is not easy. They are many different types of people doing this work and they all work differently.The key is not so much what they do but if you feel comfortable with them.
This is not to say that what they do is not important, it is very important, but no approach will work if the person it not a good fit for you.
How to know if someone is a good fit? There are questions to ask yourself:
- Do I feel comfortable with them?
- Do I feel like they are listening to me?
- Do I feel valued and worthwhile in their presence?
- Do I feel like they understand what I am saying?
- Do I like them and do I feel like they like me?
These are all important questions to ask yourself and sometimes you may have to try one or two people before you feel you have found someone who is a good fit for you.
In addition the questions of whether the person is a counsellor a psychologist or a psychotherapist has more to do with what you want to achieve. If you are after a medicare rebate you will need to see a psychologist but you will also need a doctor’s referral to see a psychologist – you may decide not to go down that path but the choice is always yours.
Prepared by Lyn Abery – July 2018